This week the sky is bursting with blueness. The morning sky radiates bright and proud before the grey rises as the day’s traffic builds, pumping fumes into the atmosphere. Cumulus clouds contain the soupy mix, drawing a line between the tepid smog and azure heavens above.
As I was strolling from school towards the INAIL offices, I found myself thinking about buying some floaty little spring numbers, perhaps in pastel shades. Alternatively, maybe some crisp linen (knowing that in the ever-pressing heat of summer any initial crispness will have collapsed by mid morning). It’s time to trade in the black of winter. I also need to branch out from the leather boots and sneakers that have served me so admirably over the colder seasons. I’m thinking about some little strappy sandals, perhaps in white…knowing already that I’ll regret it when my feet get filthy and my new almost-not-there shoes turn dull beige from the dusty streets.
However, this is Italy, where appearances are important and style is not something to be ignored or overlooked. Consequently, sacrifices must be made.
I don’t think I’m quite ready for a white pants suit though. Perhaps I should just outwit the city and buy something in beige to begin with.
The other problem (now, now Jenny, is it a problem or just something that you are unaccustomed to dealing with?) is that my hair is now, officially, the longest it has ever been. Yep, I mean ever! Only two haircuts in the last sixteen months (thanks Garo) is going to contribute to the discomfort, as the temperature rises. I guess I’m also going to have to buy some of those awful, fiddly hair things that tie it up, pin it back and generally stop it hanging down over your face and in your mouth.
Damn it, I should have just stuck to shaving it off.
Of course, the dream of floating pastel sundresses, white summer sandals and flowing locks tied back with matching ribbons is just that. A dream. The reality will surely be something completely different…I’m thinking something in black, maybe?
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