I love that a boy I met twenty years ago across a wooden table at a school for 4000 students in southern Thailand is now sharing anchovy pizza, stories of his daughters and helping shape my Italian experience here in Naples.
Just quietly I also love that her arrives from Bangkok loaded down with goodies like Thai beer, sweet chilli sauce, bags of fresh tropical fruits, sarongs and Tiger Balm (a prohibited import in Italy for some reason).
Doeng is one of my biggest blog commentors and his comments always help me appreciate just how lucky I really am. I don't know h0w many times he's asked me how is it possible that we can live, work and travel in so many different countries? It's a good question and one that repeatedly leaves me feeling like I take it for granted most of the time.
Most of all though I love that after twenty years, a few ups and downs, different upbringings, values and cultural norms, we are still such good mates, despite the distances and the effort we both need to invest in our friendship to keep it warm, sharp and fresh.
Just like the anchovy pizzas Doeng loves to eat when he comes to visit.
Friendships - a recipe for a long life. I am looking forward to the next twenty years.
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