Thursday 10 January 2008


Yesterday was unseasonally warm. It was a perfect day for photos, blue open skies, whispy clouds, good light.

Today is completely different.

As I look at the window from the school staff room all I can see is a bank of rolling clouds. Grey clouds, actually more of a dirty white colour, like a white shirt that got mixed in with the dark colours in the washing machine and has never recovered its former shining glory.

It's colder today, but not so cold that you need a scarf and hat.

What's strange is that there is a golden glow on the northern horizon. I wonder what is causing it. Perhaps it's from the mountains of rubbish that local residents have set on fire in order to clear their neighbourhoods of trash. I hope not. I try not to think about the toxins that have recently been released into the already ridiculously polluted atmosphere that swims above our heads in Naples thanks to the burning of refuse.

I am pleased to report that the rubbish was collected in our street last night. I am saddened that this rubbish crisis will continue to negatively affect the greater majority of Neapoitans, particularly those in lower socio-economic areas. The citizens and the authorities continue to disagree about how to attack the problem, where to dispose of the tonnes of rubbish produced on a daily basis by the million odd people crammed into this city, and how to overcome the control that the local Camorra have over the situation.

I talk to some of my students about it, and they are understandably furious, disappointed, overwhelmed and completely at a loss as to what should be done.

Imagine if it was happening in your backyard...or rather on the footpath in front of your street!

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