Thursday 31 January 2008


We've done it. This afternoon we posted 10 kilograms of stuff back to Austalia. Books, DVDs, pictures and most expensively Gi's acupuncture cards. The options were air mail or sea mail. Having lost three packages to the Italian postal sea mail system two years ago I insisted on air mail. The catch was it cost Euro 145. The contents of course were valued at much less than that...but it was all stuff that we cannot buy or replace in Australia.
When I first packed up the bright yellow box it weighed 17 kg which was 7 kg over the amount I was prepared to spend. So, last night after much soul searching and heart ache I eliminated 7 kg.
I can't tell you how much stuff we've been giving away. Clothes, books, household stuff. It's been like a constant garage sale out our place except it's all been going for free. It is strangely liberating, as it's the first time I've returned home without piles of stuff I just couldn't bear to part with.
No doubt we will both be panicing when it comes to finally packing our bags and squeezing what is left (in our heads it seems like a little, but in reality I'm sure it's not the case) into the limited space and weight restrictions imposed by the airlines.
As a treat I am hoping to go to the thermal spa on Friday. If I'm not organised by then...besides it's better that Gi packs up on his own. We are less prone to bicker about our different organisational skills if I am on the other side of the city sitting in a sauna.

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