Thursday 10 January 2008


Naples is buried under 5000 tons of waste.
The problem of gargage collection, disposal and management has been an 'emergency' in this city for the past 15 years. It's not unusual to drive out of the city centre into the suburbs and see mounds of rotting rubbish piled along the streets, highways and alleyways. The suburb where Gigi's mother lives, Pianura, is particularly notorious.
However, the problem is now creeping into the city centre. I walked down the main shopping street yesterday with visitors Hannah and Amy, and was surprised to see that mountains of rubbish there as well.
People are protesting, setting buses on fire, the army has been called in to restore calm, but still the rubbish sits there, both a health and sanity issue, while the local mafia wait in the wings to reap the financial benefits of a problem they have largely created.
It really does make one wonder, what are the solutions, and are Neapolitans ever going to overcome the enormous pile of issues that confront them.
Here is a link from an article on the web in the UK Telegraph.
What's next for this city that at times brings such delight and then turns around and breaks your heart?

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