We are leaving Naples and returning to Brisbane. After some six months of debating, crying and struggling with the decision it's done. Gi is naturally not as committed to the idea as I am, for he is leaving his hometown. This particular departure will be more painful than any in the past as he has unequivocably fallen in love with Naples. It is a case of fingers crossed that he will return to Australia and be happy, fulfilled and content there once again.
As they say, time will tell.
On the other hand, I am ready to go home. After two years of Naples I have come to accept that it is not a long term place for me to live. There are just too many sacrifices involved. The original idea of moving to Naples was two fold. I wanted to have a better understanding and appreciation of Gi's city. I wanted to have a deeper experience of the place that is very much a part of his personality and character. It was also change for a shake up, time to do something different. It doesn't get much more different moving from being a Finance Manager in Brisbane to teaching English and writing in Naples.
I certainly have a better understanding of Naples, and by extension Gigi. It hasn't been a waste of time or energy by any standards, although it's impossible to measure the changes that have taken place inside both of us as individuals, and as a couple. If anything, I guess I'm older and perhaps a little wiser.
I'm just not up to the challenge of dealing with Naples as a long term prospect. I can't see a future for myself, or for us, here. It is of course possible that with time and money we could live part of the year in Naples (or at least somewhere on the coast) and part of the year elsewhere. However, I can't see my future dreams becoming realities in Naples. I have neither the patience or combatative nature required.
Gigi is in a very different state of mind, but he can tell you about that.
We handed in our resignation to the school this week. We've given notice on our fabulous apartment. We've broken the news to our flatmate Marc.
I've started the onnerous process of sorting, throwing our, deciding, giving away and packing. Gi is in denial, and will no doubt cram it all into the last few days while I stand on the sidelines nagging and stressing. We've been there before.
With tickets booked and pretty much everything else organised it's just a matter of watching the calendar tick over and trying to keep things on an even keel as we approach 2nd February when we depart Naples for London. Then we have a couple of whirlwind days in London, the flight to Bangkok, three days of eating in Thailand, then the flight to Brisbane. In Brisbane we will be greeted by family and friends, and the heat and humidity of summer. I'm planning time at the beach before I return to work.
No doubt the reverse culture shock will be difficult. It usually is to some degree. I suspect Gigi will suffer the most this time. Just as I go around whinging about all the crazy stuff in Naples, he will go around whinging about the lack of good coffee, pizza and vibe on the streets of Brissie.
I call upon all of your in the SE Qld pocket to help me help him readjust to life away from the hum and throb of Italy's most intense city, Naples. We are both going to need your support.
1 comment:
Jenny, I thought you were just coming home for a visit! I was just thinking of you the other day while watching the BBC news - about garbage and the fact there is no more room for it in Naples. Great blog though, I've enjoyed it! And (almost) welcome home!Lynda Brown x
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