So, things have been a bit busy. Here's an extract of an email I just sent to my mother with some of the highlights.
Things are quite good here. we are both working about 20 hours a week teaching and Gi doing at least 5 massage treatments a week from home now. His client base has picked up now that he's not stressing about it...rotten Murphy's Law.
He is away at the farm again this weekend and has rehearsals on Sunday for the play for which he is musical director. It is being sponsored by the regional government and the big night is Friday 26 October. I'll be glad when it's over (so will he I suspect as they've changed the play three times, completely, meaning that the music has had to be re-written three times!!) so we get our weekends back.
He has bought a new brown pin stripe suit, shoes, business shirts and ties for work and it's a joy to see him dress up each morning and head off to teach at the port. He is teaching 'cooking' english to a group of chefs, and really enjoying it. He also has a big government group of 25. In contrast I have all individual students now - three directors at the airport, one Accenture guy, another businessman and two teenage girls. All nice people. (I hate the word 'nice', it's so ambiguous!)
We have been researching flights home and it looks like we'll have to fly out of London to get a good value one way ticket. Even with the flight to London and 1-2 stay there it will be several hundred euros cheaper. I really hope we can book it next week.
Still waiting to hear from my sister Kim re confirmed dates before booking flights to and from Milan for xmas.....
The first weekend of November is a public holiday here so we may go away. But also thinking about hiring a car next weekend after the play finishes on Friday night and driving south to visit Gi's great aunt and explore the area.
It has been really warm still, but the mornings are now cold. Still everyone is overdressed by midday in coats, jumpers etc when it feels incredibly hot for late October. I can't wait for the cold to really arrive and wear my winter gear although I know it will set off my sinusitis a bit more.
Our new'ish Manchester housemate Marc is fine. Only problem we've incurred is all needing to shower at the same time if we all have classes at 8.30 or 9am but seem to have found a rhythm around each other.
The Pope is visiting Naples this weekend and I'm hoping to have tickets to see him in the big piazza. There is also an art cinema exhibition currently on with documentary films about art, artists etc that started yesterday. I saw 2 films, both good. Many of them are in English or other languages and it's all in an nice theatre and free. Think I'll spend most of Saturday and Sunday afternoon there.
We are both on Facebook now, so connect if you are too.
Things are quite good here. we are both working about 20 hours a week teaching and Gi doing at least 5 massage treatments a week from home now. His client base has picked up now that he's not stressing about it...rotten Murphy's Law.
He is away at the farm again this weekend and has rehearsals on Sunday for the play for which he is musical director. It is being sponsored by the regional government and the big night is Friday 26 October. I'll be glad when it's over (so will he I suspect as they've changed the play three times, completely, meaning that the music has had to be re-written three times!!) so we get our weekends back.
He has bought a new brown pin stripe suit, shoes, business shirts and ties for work and it's a joy to see him dress up each morning and head off to teach at the port. He is teaching 'cooking' english to a group of chefs, and really enjoying it. He also has a big government group of 25. In contrast I have all individual students now - three directors at the airport, one Accenture guy, another businessman and two teenage girls. All nice people. (I hate the word 'nice', it's so ambiguous!)
We have been researching flights home and it looks like we'll have to fly out of London to get a good value one way ticket. Even with the flight to London and 1-2 stay there it will be several hundred euros cheaper. I really hope we can book it next week.
Still waiting to hear from my sister Kim re confirmed dates before booking flights to and from Milan for xmas.....
The first weekend of November is a public holiday here so we may go away. But also thinking about hiring a car next weekend after the play finishes on Friday night and driving south to visit Gi's great aunt and explore the area.
It has been really warm still, but the mornings are now cold. Still everyone is overdressed by midday in coats, jumpers etc when it feels incredibly hot for late October. I can't wait for the cold to really arrive and wear my winter gear although I know it will set off my sinusitis a bit more.
Our new'ish Manchester housemate Marc is fine. Only problem we've incurred is all needing to shower at the same time if we all have classes at 8.30 or 9am but seem to have found a rhythm around each other.
The Pope is visiting Naples this weekend and I'm hoping to have tickets to see him in the big piazza. There is also an art cinema exhibition currently on with documentary films about art, artists etc that started yesterday. I saw 2 films, both good. Many of them are in English or other languages and it's all in an nice theatre and free. Think I'll spend most of Saturday and Sunday afternoon there.
We are both on Facebook now, so connect if you are too.
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