I was even more delighted to have been asked to give the reading during the ceremony. 'What would you like me to read? I asked the bride when she personally asked me (by email!) to be part of their special day. 'Oh, anything you like. You can write something if you like'. Great, no pressure then. In accordance with all such important tasks I left it till the last minute and spent part of the day before the wedding writing the little piece below.
Now, I've given readings before. I'm made public speeches. I was MC at my sister's wedding and it's been many a family celebration where the three sisters have collectively risen to the challenge of speaking before loved ones. So, it was great surprise that I walked down the aisle to stand before Janet and Alex, and faced the other guests, only to find Janet looking like an excited possum in a fruit shop and Alex visibly emotional. As I read, my voice wavering in a couple of places, I kept thinking 'Remember to look at the bride and groom and out at the audience'. As I tried this I found that everytime I looked at Janet I just wanted to touch her and embrace her. And everytime I focused on Alex he seemed to cry even more, which almost triggered my tear tendency in sympath.
The whole evening was lovely. Fifty guests was a lovely size, the location was wonderful, the food impressive and the DJ's music very danceable. A couple of warm speeches from siblings and cutting of the cake secured the formalities of the evening.
The thing that struck me the most was just how totally happy they both looked. Let's hope that our best wishes and their genuine love keeps them on that path as (as Janet summed it up in a text message) eternal partners.
Janet & Alex’s Wedding Day Reading
May your marriage today be born from the desire to love one another,
With a purity of heart, soul, body and mind.
May you love with open generosity and intimate gestures.
May life grant you patience, tolerance and understanding, and
Together may you embrace true compromise, caring and commitment.
May you recognise that when you love someone, you do not love them all the time,
In exactly the same way, from moment to moment.
Knowing that, may you have faith in the ebb and flow of the tide of life, of love, of relationships.
And so may you trust in each other, and the continuity of your love,
Knowing the only truth is the continuity of change and growth.
May you delight in the mystery of each other, physical and spiritual,
May you reveal secrets knowing they won’t be held against you,
And love when the other is unlikeable
Learn that to listen is the key to the equality and synchronicity you already share.
May your partnership not so much fill the emptiness as to help you discover your fullness.
May you share happiness and may you find it making each other happy
May you have love and may you find it loving one another.
May you have the humility and strength to take the first steps towards each other if you fall.
And may you never neglect the little graces.
May you remember that marriages do not fail, people fail
When they enter into marriage expecting another to make them whole.
Knowing this, may you take full responsibility for you individual selves
And may you take half the responsibility for your marriage,
For together you create a marriage
May you have a life lived simply and passionately, and may you experience a marriage fully alive
May this partnership, blushing with potential, mature into a golden marriage of which this wedding day can only hint at.
This day is your gift to each other, as you stand here today full of that potential and these promises.