'Welcome to the club' was the congratulatory statement from the Consulate assistant today after I swore to be true and faithful to the Republic of Italy and observe its laws.
I am officially an Italian citizen.
Even though it was very low key, just Gi, myself, the consul and two witnesses in the consul's office I was so happy that once we floated down the 14 floors in the elevator and burst into the sunshine I started to cry.
I never thought it would happen. I was totally convinced that the Italian bureacracy would just eventually get the better of us and we'd give up on the process.
As of tomorrow I can go back to the consulate and apply for an Italian EU passport. Imagine...dual nationality.
What a shame that I won't be needing it anytime soon.
But still I was quite nervous swearing an oath to a country as antique, complex and intriguing as Italy. I will spend the rest of my life trying to resolve the puzzle of Italy and the Italian psyche. Of that I am quite sure.
My mother asked if they dipped my head in water, or laid a sword on my shoulders during the ceremony. Perhaps either of those would have been more in keeping with the pomp and ceremony that usually accompanies such events in Italy, for the simplicity of today's ceremony was rather underwheming.
Which may explain the tears that flowed soon after.
At least I didn't have to pass a test like the one introduced recently for new immigrants to Australia, including a question written by our former prime minister about a late, great cricketing hero.