Monday 1 October 2007

Jen & Glenn

Honeymooners Jennifer and Glenn have been and gone. In four days they conquered Capri, Pompeii, the Amalfi Coast, an extensive walking tour of Naples, pizza, two home cooked meals, a lovely dinner of spaghetti and seafood at a local restaurant (finally found one I like close to the house!!) before heading off to Rome. They are a joy to behold and easy to host.
I have done my four hours teaching for today, but tomorrow is shaping up as ugly. I start at 8.30am and finish at 8pm. For someone who is inherently shy and doesn't like talking to strangers this is an overwhelming prospect. It's the pre 10am phase that is the worst though...just ask any of my SDS colleagues.
I have finally succumbed to the world of Facebook folllowing a non stop enslaught of requests from friends. The internet can very easily take over your life. I will keep telling you about the details of our adventures on this blog though, as it still seems to me to be a better forum for such tales.

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