Monday 19 January 2009

Summer Break

We had a break between Christmas and New Years. Unfortunately I spent most of the time sick in bed. We did however manage to spend a day at the Sunshine Coast with my parents and my sister and her three boys (one big one is her husband). It was a perfect summer's day, we swam in the surf, made sand castles, soaked up some sun and enjoyed prawns and salad for lunch.
Gigi shows how it's done Italian style - flat out, not sunscreen.
Brother-n-law Noel with son Lachlan

Sisters Kim and Jenny

Gigi and nephew Josh squish up tight.

Josh is an expert at eating the froth.
So is his brother Lachlan, not quite 3 years old.

Summer lovin'.
Mooloolaba Beach. Aussie perfection.
Are these lifeguards? No, but Geoff and Jane do keep a look out.

More summer lovin. Aren't they cute?

Josh catches up with current affairs while Lachlan is happy to play an imaginery piano.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jenny you are absolutely glowing in that photo titled 'Summer Lovin' - you're looking great! Must be all that hard work at the gym, good on you girlfriend! xx