Wednesday 5 March 2008

Family dinner

After two years away from Brisbane Gi and I took my parents and sister Tania and her family to dinner at a favourite Chinese restaurant. The occasion? Nothing special, just an excuse to get together before my parents headed off on a New Zealand holiday and a way to partially appease my guilt for being such a lousy sister, aunt and daughter at birthday times. The most delightful thing about being home is seeing the changes in my nieces. They are both attending school now and have completely different personalities. I'm happy that they even remember who we are after two years of abscence. Their big smiles and little arms wrapped around my neck for hellos and goodbyes makes my heart melt. The pictures below are evidence.

Gi and Jenny. Jenny and scallywag Sarah.

Jenny and kooky Katy.
My sister Tania and her husband Mark.
My parents Geoff and Jane.

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