Friday 14 December 2007

Pastries please!

The story: Kristina and Madii came to Naples, shopped up a storm, ate pizza and pasta and on their final night bought traditional pastries to enjoy after dinner. I came home from teaching at 9pm to find Kristina in bed and Madii in her pyjamas. Having enjoyed a late lunch, Kristina was more interested in sleeping, but Madii and I had dinner while her mother tried to pretend that the lights were out and all was quiet. I asked if she wanted the pastries as desserts. 'No, we'll have them in the morning' was her response. Ah, to be 16 years old and think nothing of eating sweet, flaky Italian pastries at 6am on the way to the airport. 'Ok, you won't forget to get them out of the fridge?' I asked. 'Definitely not, I'll remember!' she adamantly replied.
Guess what? In the 5.30am process of getting up, dressing, locking bags, making cups of tea and dragging luggage down to the taxi...they forgot the pastries. The girls are now far away in Germany, so there was only one thing to do...give them to Gigi and take photos so that at least they can see how much he enjoyed the tasty little treats.
Kristina and Madii, you'll just have to come back to Italy (especially Naples or Sicily) to have a second go at indulging in real Italian pastries.
Pastries are always lovingly wrapped for the journey home.
Gi gently works the ribbon open.

Success! He is already salivating with anticipation.

Oh yeah. Sweet custard, buttery pastry and a light sprinkle of icing sugar.

Yes, they really are as good as this face suggests!

No going, going...well and truly gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute photos, making me hungry for sugar!! :)