Friday 21 December 2007

Butchers on the move

A warning...the following story is not for vegetarians or vegans. Please turn away from the screen now!

Our apartment is basically in the middle of a busy market street. When you walk out the front door you are assaulted by the smell of fish and seafood on display for sale on the left. If you make it across the road, dodging the scooters coming from both directions regardless of the one way signs, you can enter one of two butchers on the same block. I love to watch the 'meat truck' arrive and the unloading of the half carcasses. It's all conducted calmly and matter of factly, despite the fact that they block the traffic and one man, dressed from head to toe in a white coat with a hood pulled up over his head, heaves the heavy half beast of meat across his shoulders. He walks in through the front door (most of these old buildings only have one entry/exit...imagine the fire safety regulation breaches!), past the customers and into the back of the butcher shop where it will be cut down further. Yesterday I watched him take four halves in, including a trail of intestines and offal.

1 comment:

New Fool said...

Hey, seems OK to me.