Thursday 22 November 2007

Winter on Wednesday

A cold snap has come down from Russia. Everyone is walking around Naples rugged up like new born babies. Coats, scarves, hats and boots are mandatory. You'd think that living in Europe would mean that people are accustomed to the cold. However, Naples is a city of sunshine nestled between the volcano and the bay looking out over the Mediterranean Sea and its people are far more comfortable with sweating than shivering.
I must admit though that I am quite enjoying the cold snap. I try to check the five day weather forecast and feel slightly disappointed if the maximum rises above 20 degrees Celcius. I figure I'm going to get enough heat, humidity and sunshine back in Australia. Besides I enjoy dressing up for the cold, having the central heating warming up the house, and not needing a reason to indulge in a real, hot chocolate.
Of course it hasn't always been like this. I used to hate the cold on this side of the world. I would be miserable about it. But after several visits and three periods of living through real winters I now have the hang of it. It's all about layers. That's the secrets. And when it's really, really bitterly cold it's about thermals. Yep, I have a thermal vest that I inherited (stole) from my mother. And the most amazing thermal slip that goes under skirts. Ahh, just thinking about them sitting in my drawer, ready for action is comforting.
The cold has changed people's buying habits. It's a struggle to buy 'mixed pasta' which is a particular type of pasta used for winter style meals with legumes. The bakery is even busier than usual. More alcohol is being dashed into morning coffees. Lettuces are suddenly not that popular at the green grocers. Cucumbers are certainly not on many shopping lists.

It's dark at 5pm of an evening now. Usually cloudy, grey skies and intermittent rain. But the odd day blooms bright and blue and the cold air wakes you up, invigorates you. It's the season of winter that always reminds me that I'm alive. And as the shops start to put up their Christmas decorations I'm reminded that yet another year is coming to a close, and before too long I'll be remembering the winters in Europe with a sense of nostalgia.
In the meantime though, I'm happily wandering around this incredible city enjoying the cold, my red coat and boots while my fellow citizens grumble into their scarves about the weather from 'the north'.

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