Tuesday, 6 June 2006

Waiting Patiently

Oh yes, I hear the rumblings of discontent in the land of armchair travelling. Gi and I are back from our whirlwind week in London and we have lots of stories to tell but there are two problems. 1. money is tight and internet costs money so will get all the tales written up and ready for quick loading sometime later in the week. 2. I busted up my right hand while getting off a coach in London and shouldn't be using it for anything let alone typing. Imagine your palm going black and purple, the top of your hand turns yellow and it unattractive, swollen and ridiculously painful. Don't tell Gi but it probably should have been X-rayed.
So to those of you that make a regular lunchtime ritual of logging on I'm sorry, but bear with me. At least the hand gives me an excuse not to wash up and do tricky stuff like open tins of tomatoes....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like alot of excuse making to me. but i think i owe you a letter too